Councillor Ward Budgets – £185k Budget Saving

At the SHDC full council meeting on Wednesday 24th June, councillors voted in a proposal to reduce ward member budgets by £5k to £15k total over the 4 year term.  Which across all 37 councillors will delivere a saving equivalent to £185k per annum to the overall council budget.

As part of this proposal, it was also agreed that this reduced £15k budget would be available immediately, enabling members to support larger projects as required.  One benefit of this larger pot is that a higher member contribution could increase chances of higher levels of 3rd party funding from other grants/organisations.

I am looking forward to using this budget to help support local projects or groups in the Crowland and Deeping St Nicholas ward.

Please drop me a line on if you have an idea of a local group or project I could support.

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