First Year Complete / Ward Budget

As we prepare for the annual council meeting on 11th May 2016, it marks the fact that all new councillors in South Holland have been elected for a year.

During the past year I’ve been able to help a number of local organisations in my ward and the wider district to the value of £1564.17.  Those that have benefited are: Crowland Show, Abbey 345 Playgroup, Crowland Methodist Chapel, Spalding Marching Ambassadors Band, Crowland in Bloom, Air Cadets, Crowland Community Hub, Spalding High School Netball Team and Improvements to the WWII Memorial at Ayscoughee Gardens.

I look forward to year 2, and the opportunity to help local people and to support local organisations through my ward budget.

Councillor Ward Budgets – £185k Budget Saving

At the SHDC full council meeting on Wednesday 24th June, councillors voted in a proposal to reduce ward member budgets by £5k to £15k total over the 4 year term.  Which across all 37 councillors will delivere a saving equivalent to £185k per annum to the overall council budget.

As part of this proposal, it was also agreed that this reduced £15k budget would be available immediately, enabling members to support larger projects as required.  One benefit of this larger pot is that a higher member contribution could increase chances of higher levels of 3rd party funding from other grants/organisations.

I am looking forward to using this budget to help support local projects or groups in the Crowland and Deeping St Nicholas ward.

Please drop me a line on if you have an idea of a local group or project I could support.